SRT?(VSRT)?Vertical Spiral Rib Tubeless Steam Boiler (0.5t/h to 4t/h)
FB-S?(FB-S)?Horizontal Firetube Boiler (1t/h to 6t/h)
The Standard Model for FB-C Boiler (5t/h to 25t/h)
The RB Series Boiler (1t/h to 5t/h)
FBL Vertical Design Electrical Boiler (12kW to 2100kW)
FB-A Fuel-Fired Vertical Steam Boiler (0.063t/h to 2.35t/h)
Coal-fired Corner-Tube Steam Boiler (15t/h to 45t/h)
SZS Oil or Gas Fired Water-Tube Boiler (10t/h to 100t/h)
SZL/DZL Horizontal Coal-Fired Steam Boiler/ Hot Water Boiler (1t/h to 20t/h)